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Utah Phone Book & Reverse Phone Lookup

Search a phone number from Utah to find the owner's name, address, social media profiles, and more!

Utah Phone Book Details

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  • Mobile Carriers
  • User Feedback
  • Hall of Shame Members
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Utah Area Code Phone Books

Hall of Shame: Reported Types of Spam &
Scam Calls in Utah

Our active community of CallerSmart users helps you find out about suspected Utah scam phone calls and other nuisance calls and texts.
Run a reverse phone lookup on any Utah phone number to see what others have reported about it in our phone book.

  • Scammer
  • Spam Texter
  • Dead Air

Trends in Spam & Scam Calls in Utah

Over the past year, spam calls in Utah decreased by 37.11%. The highest volume was recorded in May 2024, accounting for 16.91% of all calls, while the lowest was in August 2024, November 2024 at just 0.09%.

Most Notorious Phone Scams in Utah

Our Hall of Shame highlights the phone numbers of the worst scammers and spammers in Utah. Below, you’ll find the worst offenders, according to our community of CallerSmart users, when it comes to Utah phone scams. These are the Utah phone numbers with the lowest Trust Factor ratings and the most negative feedback, so please beware!

FCC Complaint: Prerecorded Voice

Web User at 01:09pm on 09/16/24

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FCC Complaint: Live Voice

Web User at 11:31am on 10/21/24

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How Scammers Connect: Types of Calls in Utah

The majority of unwanted calls are made using Prerecorded Voice, accounting for 37.01% of all reported calls in Utah. Live Voice calls follow behind at 34.93%, followed by Text Message with 27.82%, while Abandoned Calls account for 0.25%.

Scam Call Topics: Leading Fraud Schemes by Type in Utah

The most frequently reported types of spam calls in Utah are Health Insurance calls, making up 10.05% of complaints, followed by Political calls at 9.56%, Mortgage Loans calls at 6.74%, Auto Warranty calls at 6.12%, while Medicare Medicaid calls make up 4.05%. Various other topics make up 63.5% of the total unwanted calls.

Scam Call Hotspots: Cities in Utah with the Most Fraudulent Calls

In Utah, the cities with the highest percentage of unwanted calls is Salt Lake City with 13.39% of the annoying calls, followed by Sandy with 5.04%, Nibley with 4.71%, Ogden with 3.07%, and Bountiful rounds out the list with 2.77%. The remaining 71.03% of junk calls are distributed across other cities in Utah.

Utah Phone Books by City

Recent Activity in the Utah White & Yellow Pages

Recent Searches:

Recent Feedback:

  • (801) 775-0175
  • (801) 392-0672
  • (801) 782-9368
  • (801) 782-9709
  • (801) 477-8654
  • (801) 298-1945

Top CallerSmart Users in Utah

Victim of a Phone Scam in Utah?

If you've been the victim of a phone scam or fraud in Utah, you should report it to the appropriate authorities to prevent further financial loss and assist in investigating or preventing additional fraud.

If the scam involves significant financial losses or crosses state lines, report it to the FBI's Internet Complaint Center.

If the scam involves taxes or impersonation of the IRS, report it to the IRS Treasury Inspector General.

Report any type of phone scam, including robocalls and phishing, to the Federal Trade Commission.

Unwanted calls from debt collectors and any illegal telemarketing or scam calls targeting mobile phones without prior express consent should be reported to the Federal Communications Commission.

You can also share your feedback on a phone number in the CallerSmart phone book to warn others about scams!