Area Code 336 Phone Book Details
- Amount of Phone Number Lookups
- 165,860
- Mobile carriers
- 18
- User Feedback
- 595
- Hall of Shame Members
- 454
- Most Popular Carrier:
Where Is Area Code 336?
The 336 area code is located in North Carolina and covers Apex, Asheville, Belmont, Burlington, Cary.
Some of the counties covered by area code 336 are Alamance, Alleghany, Ashe, Caswell, Chatham counties.
336 Area Code Cities
336 Area Code Counties
- Alamance
- Alleghany
- Ashe
- Caswell
- Chatham
- Davidson
- Davie
- Forsyth
- Gaston
- Guilford
- Iredell
- North Carolina
- Person
- Randolph
- Rockingham
- Rowan
- Stanly
- Stokes
- Surry
- Wilkes
- Yadkin
What Time Zone Is 336 Area Code In?
The 336 Area Code is in the EST time zone, which is a UTC-05:00 difference to Greenwich time.
Hall of Shame - Reported Types of
Area Code 336 Spam & Scam Calls
Our active community of CallerSmart users helps you find out about suspected area code 336 scam phone calls and other nuisance calls and texts.
Run a reverse phone lookup on any 336 phone number to see what others have reported about it in our phone book.
Most Notorious Area Code 336 Phone Scams
Our Hall of Shame highlights the phone numbers of the worst 336 scammers and spammers. Below, you’ll find the worst offenders, according to our community of CallerSmart users, when it comes to area code 336 phone scams. These are the 336 phone numbers with the lowest Trust Factor ratings and the most negative feedback, so please beware!
Top Cities Reporting Spam for 336
The most frequently reported cities for spam calls from area code 336 are North Wilkesboro, NC, with 20.72% of complaints, followed by Winston-salem, NC, with 8.5%, High Point, NC, with 3.27%, Greensboro, NC, with 3.15%, and Lexington, NC, with 2.83%. Various other cities account for 60.66% of reported spam calls for area code 336.
Spam Complaints for Area Code 336
Area code 336 is ranked # 80 for spam complaints, and it accounts for 0.3757% of all spam complaints. Live Voice complaints are the most recorded spam reports associated with area code 336, making up 47.34% of total reports. This is followed by Prerecorded Voice at 43.89%, Text Message at 8.46%, and Abandoned Calls complaint reports at 0.31%.
Top Spam Call Report Types for 336
The top five most frequently reported types of spam calls from area code 336 are Auto Warranty calls, making up 14.74% of complaints, followed by Medicare Medicaid calls at 9.4%, Health Insurance calls at 9.09%, Amazon calls at 3.14%, and Home Improvement calls at 2.19%. Various other topics make up 61.42% of reported spam calls for area code 336.
Recent 336 Area Code Activity
In July 2024, complaints in area code 336 decreased by 77.8% compared to June 2024. The month with the most complaints was June 2024.
Recent Searches:
(336) 988-3915
from Greensboro, NC
(336) 420-5155
from Greensboro, NC
(336) 944-6631
from Greensboro, NC
(336) 706-0469
from Killeen, TX
(336) 686-1687
from Killeen, TX
(336) 436-0400
from Las Vegas, NV
Recent Feedback:
- (336) 248-6625
- (336) 835-3107
- (336) 325-2605
- (336) 364-1710
- (336) 992-2128
Recent Searches:
(336) 442-3348
from GA
(336) 541-6880
from United States
(336) 431-0023
from Killeen, TX
(336) 498-1700
from Charlotte, NC
(336) 498-1700
from Charlotte, NC
(336) 879-4744
from Mebane, NC
Recent Feedback:
- (336) 761-3888
- (336) 824-3505
Top CallerSmart Users in Area Code 336
- Caller IQ
- 3889
- Rank
- 111
- Caller IQ
- 1752
- Rank
- 376
- Caller IQ
- 1226
- Rank
- 569
- Caller IQ
- 865
- Rank
- 793
- Caller IQ
- 577
- Rank
- 1056
- Caller IQ
- 573
- Rank
- 1060
Block 336 Area Code Calls and Texts
How To Use Phone Number Lookup On iPhone
Learn how to easily look up phone numbers on your iPhone with the CallerSmart app. Discover unknown callers and protect your privacy in just a few steps.
Caller ID: An Introduction
Caller ID helps us identify who is calling. Learn about the history of caller ID, caller ID spoofing, and different types of caller ID.
No Caller ID: How to Block "No Caller ID" and Other Unknown Calls on Your iPhone
Do you get inundated with "No Caller ID" calls on your iPhone? Learn how to ignore these calls and block them with these five easy steps.
How to Filter Unknown or Unwanted Texters From Your iMessages
Getting iMessages from people that you don't know or don't want to talk to? Learn how to filter unknown or unwanted texters from your iMessages.
Blocked Numbers: How to Manage Blocked Numbers on Your iPhone
Learn how to block numbers, unblock numbers, and manage your blocked contacts on your iPhone in a few easy steps.
Block Texts: How to Block Unwanted Text Messages on Your iPhone
Is an annoying ex or spam texter bothering you? Find out how to block texts on your iPhone and report annoying and potentially dangerous phone numbers.
Victim of a 336 Phone Scam?
If you've been the victim of an area code 336 phone scam or fraud, you should report it to the appropriate authorities to prevent further financial loss and assist in investigating or preventing additional fraud.
If the scam involves significant financial losses or crosses state lines, report it to the FBI's Internet Complaint Center.
If the scam involves taxes or impersonation of the IRS, report it to the IRS Treasury Inspector General.
Report any type of phone scam, including robocalls and phishing, to the Federal Trade Commission.
Unwanted calls from debt collectors and any illegal telemarketing or scam calls targeting mobile phones without prior express consent should be reported to the Federal Communications Commission.
You can also share your feedback on a phone number in the CallerSmart phone book to warn others about scams!