Free Ringtone: Phone Scam Overview
Though ringtone download texts are less common than they used to be, it's still a scam that affect many people each year. This type of phone fraud is typically referred to as cramming. ...
Unpaid Heating Bill: Phone Scam Overview
Every winter this phone scam starts making the rounds. Designed to make you panic and give out financial information, scammers use your fear of having your electricity cut to solicit money....
Timeshare Proposal: Phone Scam Overview
This common phone scam is very much like the free cruise phone scam...
Fax Back: Phone Scam Overview
Many businesses still use faxes to send important information. Though this scam isn't as common as it once was, it can still be a threat to business owners. We'll go over the basics of this scam an...
Health Inspector: Phone Scam Overview
This is a phone scam that specifically targets restaurants, so if you own or work in a restaurant be sure to keep an eye out for it. Depending on your state the health inspector will have different...
Prepaid Calling Cards: Phone Scam Overview
If you have family members or friends living in another country you may have purchased prepaid calling cards in order to keep in touch with them. These cards sell long-distance minutes in a block a...