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Opt Out

Instantly Opt Out the Listing on Your Phone Number

Want to remove your personal information from our community phone book? We’ve made it fast and easy. In three simple steps, you can immediately opt out the listing on your phone number from our phone book.

Step 1: Create a CallerSmart Account

Sign up for a free CallerSmart account on our website or iPhone app. You can register using Google, Facebook, Apple, or an email and password. If signing up via email, please use a valid address to receive confirmation of your opt-out request.

We do not require any additional information to create an account, and you can unsubscribe from receiving mail from us after we send your opt-out confirmation email. 

Step 2: Verify Your Phone Number

To ensure that only you can manage your listing, you’ll need to verify ownership of your phone number. This takes seconds. Go to Manage Your Listing in the Member's Area. Enter your number and choose to receive a 6-digit verification code via text message or automated call.

Please note: Sometimes, phone calls are slightly delayed and can take a few minutes to receive. 

Once you receive the code, enter it. After successful verification, you will be able to turn off the listing on your phone number.

Step 3: Remove Your Listing

After successful verification, you will be able to turn off the listing on your phone number in our phone book. 

This means:

  • No personal information will be displayed
  • Only a generic location (based on your area code) will be visible

You'll receive an email confirmation as soon as your opt-out is successful.

Need to Opt Back In?

If you ever change your mind, you can restore your listing at any time via the Manage Your Listing page.

If you have any questions, contact us via our iPhone app feedback feature or our Contact Us page.

Opting out is the fastest and easiest way to take control of your listing!